Study Complete - January 2025
Thank you for participating in the TechLink TRAX Study! The final study report and supporting documents are available here.
The study team recommends moving forward with Alternative 3, Direct on 400 West. For more information on Alternative 3 and the other alternatives considered, click here.
Alternative 3
(Direct on 400 West)

Click image to enlarge
Next Steps
Now that the study is finished, the project will move forward into the environmental and design phases. Construction funding is not yet available, however, so an implementation date is still to be determined.
Study Overview
Utah Transit Authority (UTA), in partnership with Salt Lake City (SLC), University of Utah, Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), and the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), conducted the TechLink TRAX Study to improve local and regional connectivity and reliability.

Study Area Map
The study built on previous studies and plans (see Documents) and analyzed potential light rail (TRAX) improvements including:
Realignment of the TRAX Red Line, with new service through the Granary District to the Ballpark Station
A new TRAX Orange Line, connecting Salt Lake City International Airport directly to the University of Utah, with improved service along the way and new service into Research Park
Modified TRAX Blue and Green Line operations
The study team took a close look at these improvements, developed and screened equitable and sustainable transit alternatives, and prepared a final report that will move into the federal environmental process.